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What does a Script Reader Do?

What does a Script Reader Do?

A script reader (or “Reader”) is the person who reads scripts for agents, producers, managers, assistants, and…pretty much everyone.

It works like this (I used “agent” here, but feel free to substitute “manager,” “producer,” “executive,” etc.):

1. An agent gets sent a script from a client, manager, friend of a friend, or sometimes even from an unknown writer who wrote a good query letter. Yes, it happens.

2. Since most agents are too busy to read scripts, the agent hands the script to an assistant or Reader (or both) and asks for notes, thoughts, or something called “coverage.”

Coverage: A one or two page write-up of a script, including logline, synopsis of plot, comments, and a judgment, usually RECOMMEND, CONSIDER, or PASS.

3. The agent reads the Reader’s coverage and decides if the script is worth reading.

Of course, sometimes agents dive right in and read the darn things.  But in my experience, they’d much rather have someone else test the waters before wasting time on a dud.

Wouldn’t you?

Hope that helps!  Best of luck, and..

