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A Brief Disclaimer

A Brief Disclaimer

Script Doctor Eric is an independent reader, a private contractor, a third-party if you will.

Script Doctor Eric does not read scripts as a condition of representation by any manager, agent, or agency. Please feel free to query any agency and production companies as much as you would like. To help, see my post on how to write query letters and the list of the WGA agencies

Getting a positive review from Script Doctor Eric is not required by any agency or production company in order for them to accept your work.

The idea behind Script Doctor Eric is to give screenwriters detailed notes from a professional script reader. Passing the screenplay along is an added bonus for the few excellent scripts that warrant such attention.

I cannot guarantee your script will be passed along, and even if it is passed along, I cannot guarantee you will gain representation or sell your script. I’m here to give you a push in the right direction. The rest is up to you.

But I can guarantee you’re be happy with the service. You’ll get the type of feedback normally reserved for writers with agents and producers. If you’re serious about screenwriting, give it a shot. If in the end you don’t think it was worth it I’ll refund your money. Simple as that.


-Script Doctor Eric
