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Script Doctor Eric

Sorry this post is arriving late!  Decided to see LINCOLN and run some errands and well, it’s Sunday.  Sometimes the day gets away.  -Eric

Sure, it’s dark outside, but it’s still Support Something Sunday!  I hope that you have supported an art, film, music, or other creative project today, before I even put up this post!

If not, there’s still time.  As they say, it’s still Sunday somewhere.  But not much longer… :)

For this week’s #SSS I picked a documentary about something that may seem strange to many film people out there, but not to those of you have a website – software.  More specifically, free software.

The doc is called Software Wars and it’s got an Indiegogo campaign going for another eleven days.  So sponsor them while you have the chance!

It’s an important issue for internet freedom, and the trailer on the Software Wars’ Indiegogo page looks professionally done.  Everything about this project feels like they’re on the right track.

Hopefully the finished doc will have a bit more of the conflict that the trailer hints at.  I really want to see a fight over software!  :)

Well, if you don’t sponsor Software Wars, I hope you consider helping out something or someone trying to add a little creativity to the world today.  That’s what Support Something Sundays are all about.

Seriously.  And…



Do you have a project that needs sponsoring?  Send me the link to the campaign or fundraising site and  I just might feature it next Sunday!

Related posts:

  1. Support Something Sunday – Send me your Indiegogo or Kickstarter Project
  2. Support “Dear White People”
  3. Support “Cagney Cried”
  4. Support Something Sunday on Hold (Like Nearly Everything Else)