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Script Doctor Eric

When Matt and I first began Scriptcast – A Screenwriting Podcast I searched the web to find out if the name had been taken by any other podcasts.


Then I searched for general uses of the name.  I found an empty domain on “Scriptcast.com,” a few movie links where the “script” and the “cast” of the movie were mentioned.

Things were looking good.  That was, until I saw another result of the search.

John August has posts about something called, “Scriptcast.”

Oh yeah.  Forgot about that.

Back in 2009-2010, John August recorded a series of four fantastic video tutorials on screenwriting.  Do yourself a favor and check them out by going to this page:

John August’s Scriptcast

Now back to the story…

By the time I discovered that John August’s tutorials were titled “Scriptcast,” Matt and I were a few episodes into our podcast, so instead of abandoning the Scriptcast name right away, I decided to shoot John August an email.  It couldn’t hurt, could it?

In the email, I told John about our podcast, explaining how much we admired his site and we wouldn’t want to step on any toes but could we, pretty please, use the name “Scriptcast” for the podcast we started a few weeks ago?

John sent me a response within a day:

I’ve got no trademark on it or anything. Go forth and prosper.

— John

And so, a big THANKS to John August who quickly and unhesitatingly granted us permission to use the name “Scriptcast” early in our podcasting adventure. I’d like to think we’re constantly trying to live up to those words of wisdom.  We’ve gone forth, and continually attempt to prosper in each episode, every week.

Just like in Star Wars, or something.

(Just kidding, I KNOW where it’s from…)

Thanks again, John.


Onward! (Do you know where THAT’S from?)


Related posts:

  1. This Friday’s Scriptcast (A Screenwriting Podcast)
  2. Help our Screenwriting Podcast (Scriptcast)
  3. Subscribe to Scriptcast on iTunes
  4. Friday’s Scriptcast – Christy Murphy!