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Script Doctor Eric

For this week’s Support Something Sunday I was checking out so many of the great submissions folks sent via Twitter and email (thanks!), and then, as so often happens, stumbled upon this project by chance.

I swear I’ll pick a project recommend to me soon, though.  (Please keep sending them!)

The full name of this week’s #SSS selection is Don’t give up the ghost (a Franco-American family comedy) which will hopefully be condensed – and capitalized – after production.  It’s a San Francisco based family/indie film with a little mystery and looks to be charming as hell.

Check out their Kickstarter page by clicking the link below (if you didn’t click the link above…):


Did you watch the video?  Were you wooed over by the passion of the filmmaker…and the kids?

Yeah, me too.

I think what really sold me was when the filmmaker (Jean Louis Milesi) says, “Please don’t give me any money,” and it seems convincing, as if deep down, yes, he knows this is a joke, but seriously, he’d like to just sell the screenplay instead.

Don’t let Jean get away with it!  :)  Let’s help his kids (and Jean) get this project made.

Seriously, and…



Do you have a project worthy of Support Something Sunday?  Email or tweet me the info and I’ll check it out! [email protected] / @scriptdreric

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  1. Support Something Sunday (#SSS)
  2. Support “Twenty Million People”
  3. I Wrote a Short – Can You Give Me Notes?