Not to be COMPLETELY outdone by Script Doctor Eric’s Best (and Worst) Movies of 2011 list, our very own TV Script Doctor Joey put together a decent-sized collection of films she saw in 2011. If you know Joey, you know that Harry Potter is number
This episode we welcomed screenwriter Emily Blake back to the podcast for the third, yes, THIRD time! (Don’t miss Episode 10: Emily Blake and also one of my favorite episodes Episode 42: Emily Blake Strikes Back!Emily Blake, a former English teacher, is well known in the screenwriting community for
Dear Script Doctor Eric:I’ve written my first screenplay and am looking to sell it. Can you please tell me the best way to do this? Should I write a query letter? Synopsis? Treatment? Is there a certain format for this?Sincerely,Pat Screenwriter—The above is a fabrication
Though many people will likely be shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving, due to popular demand (4 tweets) I will still hold my weekly Logline Friday contest!No, your logline does not have to be pilgrim themed. But thank you for asking.Submit your 280-character (or less)
And the Logline Friday Winner for October 1st, 2010 is…Jo Anne Fitzsimmons!@goldie606“When experimental treatment awakens a woman in a coma for 20 years, her family is at first ecstatic until…the people suspected of causing her injury start dying in gruesome ways.”Sounds like a supernatural Hard