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documentary fundraising Tag


Script Doctor Eric

After so many great scripts, here are the winners of Script Doctor Eric’s 2010 Screenplay Competition.(Coming soon: Summaries of each of the finalists, and judges comments on the winners.)Grand Prize WinnerSHORT TERM FORECASTby Brad Sorensen$200 CashFree Script Consultation with Script Doctor EricScript handed to two

Script Doctor Eric

I love Tuesdays in January.Waking up on Oscar Nominations Day (OND)* is like waking up on a Hollywood-created Christmas: A few pleasant surprises, a ton of predictable results, and some big dissappointments.For this year’s OND** the most pleasant surprise is Demián Bichir, whose subtle performance


Script Doctor Eric

This Wednesday, August 1st, Matt and I will record our screenwriting podcast – Scriptcast – for two solid hours.  The second hour will be entirely devoted to answering YOUR emails.Send any question, story, or comment to [email protected] with “SCRIPTCAST EMAIL” as the subject and we