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Script Doctor Eric

And the Logline Friday Winner for October 1st, 2010 is…Jo Anne Fitzsimmons!@goldie606“When experimental treatment awakens a woman in a coma for 20 years, her family is at first ecstatic until…the people suspected of causing her injury start dying in gruesome ways.”Sounds like a supernatural Hard


Script Doctor Eric

A screenwriter recently sent me this question via email:Which screenwriting agent should I get?This is an interesting question that assumes two things:1. Your screenplay is good enough to land an agent.2. You need an agent to sell your screenplay.Let me answer the second point first.  (Because it’s more confusing that


Script Doctor Eric

And the winner of everyone’s favorite Friday logline contest (Logline Friday) for February 1st, 2013, is…Ronald F!Ronald’s logline for the script HIS NEW GIRLFRIEND:She’s dating a girl for the first time and she’s never been happier.  Little does she know, she’s really dating her “ex