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Script Doctor Eric

Script Doctor Eric began reading and writing screenplays in 2001 while working for a mid-level talent agency. After quitting the agency to have more time for his own writing, he worked as a freelance reader for agencies and production companies…and continues to do so to this day. The number of scripts read by Script Doctor Eric is in the thousands.

Script Doctor Eric has been writing screenplays since 1999. In 2007 he co-wrote a low-budget feature for Redshell Entertainment. He just finished a romantic comedy on spec, and is polishing a horror-thriller for a producer.

Script Doctor Eric refers to himself in the third person for marketing purposes only. He hopes you don’t find it too annoying – just trying to get the name out there.

For a resume and list of contacts, just shoot over an email and he (I? This is getting out of control!) will happily provide you with both.


[email protected]

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