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Script Doctor Eric

It’s Sunday, so you know what that means?

Lunar New Years?

Well, yes, that is today, but it also means that it’s the day to help a creative project out there, like I do every Sunday for Support Something Sunday

For this week’s Support Something Sunday I’ve chosen what could be the most emotional Support Something Sunday selection yet: a documentary by the name of Head Up Heart Full

The doc appears to be about a filmmaker Jeffrey Brant’s final months with his ailing grandmother.

I don’t know if I could do what Brant is doing, but he seems to be going about it in the right way – professionally, courteously, and with the help of friends and family, with the goal to create a product for people outside of their inner circle to experience.

So check out the Indiegogo page for Head Up Heart Full and contribute a few bucks (or more) to a personal project with the potential to impact us all.

Seriously, and…



Every Sunday I contribute to one project via Indiegogo or Kickstarter and feature it on the site for Support Something Sunday.  If you would like your project to be considered, please send me the link via email, twitter (@ScriptDrEric) or by using this page: CONTACT SCRIPT DOCTOR ERIC 

Related posts:

  1. Support Something Sunday – Send me your Indiegogo or Kickstarter Project
  2. Support “Dear White People”
  3. Support “Cagney Cried”
  4. Support “Software Wars”