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Script Doctor Eric

Scriptcast – A Screenwriting Podcast
Live Recording
Fridays, 10am-noon

Matt and I are pleased to announce that screenwriter and blogger Emily Blake will join us in studio for the live recording of Scriptcast this Friday, April 6th, at 10:30am!

The last time Emily was on, we had a great time discussing screenwriting, blogging, action movies, and other (awesome) things.  Check out the episode if you haven’t already: Scriptcast Episode 10: Emily Blake

Since Emily’s last appearance, she’s had a couple of nice breaks.  Her work was profiled on the very popular screenwriting website Scriptshadow, she won the TrackingB screenwriting contest, and she landed representation at one of the big three agencies!

In other words, she’s going places, folks.

Hear Matt and I kiss up to Emily by listening to the live recording of Scriptcast.  Just go to www.UCLAradio.com and click the “Listen Live” button at the top this Friday at 10:30am.

Want to ask Emily a question?  Email it ([email protected]) or tweet it to me (@scriptdreric) anytime before the show!

If you miss the live recording, don’t worry – the episode will be up on iTunes in a few days.  It is a podcast, after all.

Thanks for listening, and…



Related posts:

  1. Emily Blake of Bamboo Killers on Scriptcast
  2. Scriptcast 10: Emily Blake
  3. Your Favorite Screenwriting Podcast (Scriptcast) Returns!
  4. Scriptcast – Now Recorded on Fridays (For the next few months)